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Response to demagogue’s FICTIONAL REPORT of wishful event took place in Wargadud

On August, 30, 2008, a demagogue named adan usman along with his uncle Balla, posted the following dreadful and fictional stories on their blog that they pulled out from their rear ends. It reads

Ceelwaaq CMC-Wararka ka imanya degmada Ceelwaaq ayaa sheegaya in deegaanka Wargaduud lagu diley nin ka tirsan malleeshiyaadka beesha Garre ee ka yimid nawaaxiga Mooyaale, waxaana dilkaas ka dambeeya ayaa la yiri ciidamada dowlladda Kenya,waxaana ninkaas soo shirqooley baa la leeyahay dad ka tirsan beesha degan Wargaduud kuwaas oo si shiqool ah ninkaas halkaas ku keeney markii uu magaalada Soo galeyna lagu soo dalbadey askartii halkaas joogtey.

They are saying that a member of the Gharri militias from Moyale, was lured in to Wargadud and then killed by residents of Wargadud. This is nothing more than a parody piece written by the above mentioned Demagogue. This incident never took place in Wargadud or any where else in the Gharri Country. Also, there are no Gharri militias ever crossed into Kenyan territories.

The main reasons why this demagogue and his uncle Balla,  mentioned in their atrocious and outrageous fiction were to create friction between the two governments: and

1.      To damage the Gharri name.

2.      To create tensions between the Gharri people and Kenyan security personnel,

3.      To provoke war between the Gharri and the Murale people.

4.      To cause a division amongst the Gharri people as well.

            So, to all reader of this story, if they lied about this, what else they could not lie about?

            Everything they posted on their blog is totally false and they are doing it to get attention, but it has back fired on them.

Let it be known that these people are not one of us but, are enemies of the Gharri people, because, they are the same group of people who asked for compensation when asked for help.

This is the same group of people who said they are not Gharri when asked to join hand in hand with the rest of the Gharri brethren and they refused to assist at the time of need. This is the same group of people whose leader made the remarks that “is the Gharri people like a sun shining from up above to claim land from everybody” when in fact the Gharri people were only defending themselves and their land. So, if they are not Gharri’s enemies, what else can we call them?

 By Gur Gharri GSG News Contributor Monday Sept. 01, 2008

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The opinions contained in this articles are solely those of the writer, and in no way, form or shape represent the editorial opinions of Africa News Online.