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SHARIFF HASSAN – Please Resign and Go home. August 23, 2005 By Abdulkadir M. Khalif.

Shariff Hassan, the Speaker of Somali Federal Parliament is the most famous House Speaker in the World. He is known for standing up to both the head of state and the head of Government of the fledgling Democracy that is Somalia.
He has got his fame by splitting the House to the point where neither faction can form a quorum. Instead of bringing the fractious members together to form a quorum he has divided them into two factions, one of which he himself leads. In the process he has voted himself out of his role as a neutral arbitrator of the House and declared himself a de facto leader of an opposition group. He is therefore no longer a speaker of that august assembly and should be ignored by all. His deputy should take over without any further consultation and call the House to order as soon as possible. According to the rules and procedures of all parliaments there is actually no dispute within the Somali Federal Parliament but only confusion about who should do what and how.

Shariff Hassan should take his seat as a member of parliament representing his clan within the Digil and Mirifle Ethnic Block. If he was given that position as a gesture of recognition to the Digil and Mirifle peoples he should consider passing it over to a more capable person. If that is seen as an extreme measure we should probably consider granting him leave to attend a crush course in parliamentary rules and procedures some where else. He should not be allowed to expose his ignorance and paralyze the running of this unfortunate country that has already suffered so much for so long. Any further delay in taking some sort of action to control this man will bring Somalia ever closer to an inevitable explosion, something for which he will stand condemned and for which he will bare full responsibility for eternity.

As a member of the Digil and Mirifle Block, I have a special grudge against him. I view the Shariff’s intransigence as the sole reason for the Government not setting camp at Baidoa. I consider that a very unfortunate thing and a great blunder committed against our people. I am of the opinion that with the Government in Baidoa the Digil and Mirifle people stand to benefit more than any other people at a time when the entire world is ready to extend a helping hand to the Government of Somalia. If any body has any doubts he/she only needs to look at what is now going on in Jowhar. Property prizes are up, development is fast moving in, airports and streets and other infrastructure are being rehabilitated and all businesses are having a bonanza. Why are the Shariff and Xaabsade denying our people such prosperity? Have we not suffered enough over the years and is not an opportunity for us to benefit from the rest of this country? Are our farmers
and youth not ready for the challenge of hosting a Government? Are people like the Shariff and Xaabsade not aware that because of their influential position they stand to gain financially more than any body else. Why can’t the sharif just move to Baidoa and call the Parliament to convene there for one session and see what will happen to the hotels and restaurants of that beautiful city?

We the Digil and Mirifle people should not waste time any more and should take immediate action to  do the following things before we are ignored and consigned to the periphery once again:
•    We should call upon all our Ugasses and Malaaqs to convene an emergency meeting to reconsider their nominations to the Federal Parliament and take necessary corrective measures.
•    We should use all our intellectual and other resources to prevail upon the Shariff and make him give way to the proper running of the country. 
•    We should prevail upon all the warring armed ministers within our community and force them to reconcile and burry their differences for the benefit of our people and country.
•    We should start the necessary preparations for the re-establishment of the Southwest State with its capital at Baidoa and its main port at Kismaayu in collaboration with all the peoples of all the six regions of that State.
•    We should take immediate actions to bring the Federal Authorities to Baidoa and all future parliamentary sessions should take place in Baidoa in order to help that city recover quickly.
•    We should remember that if the country explodes once more, all the opportunities that would have come with peace and reconciliation would be lost and that it would be blamed on the Shariff and through him the Digil and Mirifle people who gave him the immense authority which he used so carelessly and so dangerously.

Abdulkadir M. Khalif

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